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Research Paper | Pathology | India | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Expression of ER/PR in Thyroid Lesions with Special Reference to Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid
Shazieya Akhtar | Noor Jahan Ali | Subuh Parvez Khan
Abstract: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES (i) Comparison of ER/PR positivity between neoplastic thyroid lesio Shazieya Akhtar, Noor Jahan Ali, Subuh Parvez Khan Materials and Method Total 350 cases were taken. The specimen were examined externally and then opened as per conventional method. The tissues were processed as per standard procedure. Results Out of 264 neoplastic cases 51 (19.3 %) cases were ER+ and 74 (28 %) cases were PR+. Expression of ER and PR between neoplastic and non-neoplastic groups was statistically significant. Out of 56 benign cases 7 (12.5 %) cases were ER + and 12 (21.4 %) cases were PR +. Out of 208 malignant cases 44 (21.2 %) cases were ER + and 62 (29.8 %) cases were PR+. Maximum percentage of ER + (20.4 %) and PR + (27.8 %) cases were >4cm in size. ER expression was found in 32.1 % of papillary carcinoma thyroid whereas PR expression was found in 35.2 % of papillary thyroid carcinoma and 42.3 % of medullary thyroid carcinoma. CONCLUSION The study demonstrates that ER and PR expression occurs more frequently in neoplastic than in non-neoplastic lesions of thyroid. Papillary carcinoma and Medullary carcinoma of thyroid show significant expression of ER and PR receptors. ER/PR expression with various age groups, sex and size of tumour dont show any statistical significance.
Keywords: Medullary carcinoma, non-neoplastic, ER / PR
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,
Pages: 1416 - 1419
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