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Research Paper | Biology | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019
Effectiveness of Reflexology on Labour Pain among Parturient Mothers in First Stage of Labour
Abstract: Pregnancy is an amazing phenomenon of nature that is the core of our existence. The mother spends months in planning and imagining the day when she will bring new life into the world. Nature has designed labour and birth simply and elegantly, although evenly labour and birth is unique. Pain in labour is crucial and women in labour have a strong desire that the pain should be relieved or decreased. Many complimentary non pharmacological therapies which are safe and simple are hidden behind the screen making the labour process so strange and crucial. Hence the researcher was interested to incorporate the reflexology technique during labour process on insisting the pain relief as a blessing and triumph over the labour pain.
Keywords: Reflexology, Labour Pain
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019,
Pages: 1920 - 1921