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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019
Effectiveness of the Planned Teaching Programme regarding Anemia on Knowledge among Adolescent in Selected Schools of Sangli Miraj Kupwad Corporation Area
Vijaya Rahul Kumbhar
Abstract: The study aim to assess the effect of the planned teaching programme regarding anaemia on knowledge among adolescent in selected schools of Sangli, Miraj, kupwad corporation area. Research methodology: In this study the quantitative research approach with quasi experimental one group pre - test, post test design was used in selected schools, 60 samples were included comprised with 11 to 16 age group of adolescents with simple random sampling technique. The data was analysed according to objectives of study, which were 1. To assess the existing knowledge and practice regarding anaemia among adolescent.2) To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding anaemia. . The findings of the study revealed that In age 1.66 % (1) of student were in age group of 12 years, 31.66 % (19) students in age group of 13 years, 13.66 % (19) students in age group of 14 years, 35 % (21) students in age group of 15 years. In gender 65 % (39) male students were present and 35 % (21) female students were present. In type of family 65 % (38) are live as Nuclear family and 35 % (21) are live as Joint family. In residence95 % (57) are living in urban area 5 % (3) are living in rural area. In family income 11.66 % (7) are having 5000-10000 per month family income and 88.33 % (53) are having above 10000 per month family income. In mothers education 13.33 % ( 8) mothers having secondary education.20 % (12) mothers having HSC education 66.66 % (40) mothers having graduated. In fathers education 8.33 % (5) fathers having secondary qualification, 26.66 % (16) fathers having HSC qualification, 65 % (39) fathers having graduated. In dietary pattern 71.66 % (47) students were Vegetarian and 21.66 % (13) were Non- vegetarian. Pre-test was given with administration of planned teaching and after 7 days post test was administered. The finding of the study shows the significant change in pre-test and post-test (mean =9, sd =2.75) and (mean=13.3 sd=1.67) respectively. H0 hypothesis is rejected and study found effective.
Keywords: Effectiveness Planned teaching programme, Anaemia, Adolescent
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019,
Pages: 1437 - 1440
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