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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019
Assess the Effectiveness of SVATP Regarding Role & Responsibilities of a Nurse in Intubation and Suctioning of a Patient with an Endotracheal Tube
Abstract: Assess the effectiveness of SVATP regarding role & responsibilities of a nurse in intubation and suctioning of a patient with an endotracheal tube Ms. Surbhi Mokhale (Lecturer, Department of Medical surgical Nursing, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore, M. P, India) A study to assess the effectiveness of structured video assisted teaching programme regarding role & responsibilities of a nurse in intubation and suctioning of a patient with anendotrachealtubein terms of knowledge gain among B. Sc. Nursing third Year students of Government College of Nursing Indore was undertaken by Ms. Surbhi Mokhale towards partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of masters of science in nursing, at Government College of Nursing, Devi AhilyaVishwavidyalayaIndore Madhya Pradesh the year of 2015-2016. The objectives of the study are as follows: 1. To assess the pre-existing knowledge of the students through pre-test score regarding role & responsibilities of a nurse in intubation and suctioning of a patient with anendotracheal tube.2. To evaluate the effectiveness of video in terms knowledge regarding role & responsibilities of a nurse in intubation and suctioning of a patient with anendotracheal tube.3. To find out the association between the pre-test knowledge score with the selected demographical variables. The study utilized an evaluative research approach with pre- experimental onegroup pretest post-test research design. The population comprised of B. Sc. Nursing thirdyear students of Government College of Nursing Indore. A sample size of 40 students was selected using lottery method that is probability sampling. The independent variable was videoand thedependent variable wasthe knowledge score. A structured knowledge questioner was developed by the investigator for datacollection. Both of which were validated by experts. Reliability of the toolwas done by using Karls Pearson (correlation coefficient) formula and it wasfound to be significant i. e. r=0.80. After conducting the pilot study a final study was carried out on 40 B. Sc. Nursingstudents of Government College of Nursing Indore. Intervention (video) wasgiven on the same day after pre-test and post-testwas taken after 8 days. The findings of the study indicated that BSc nursing third year students have inadequateknowledgeregardingrole & responsibilities of a nurse in intubation and suctioning of a patient with anendotracheal tube. The total mean pretest score of the students were 16.37 on the scale of 1-30. The mean post-test knowledge score (24.75) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (16.37). The dispersion of pretest score (SD 3.37) is less than that ofpost-test score (SD 1.29) and paired t test computed (t39=15.32 P0.001) shows significant difference suggesting that the regardingrole & responsibilities of a nurse in intubation and suctioning of a patient with endotracheal tube alongB. Sc. nursing thirdyear students. There was no significant associationbetween demographical variables i. e. medium of academic qualification and previous knowledge regarding Endotracheal intubation, clinical posting, and clinical experience and pretest knowledge score. The reason of non-significant association with pre-test knowledge score and selected demographicvariables may be due to limited size (40). The demographic variable is anacademic qualification. In this 77.5 % respondent were English medium & only 22.5 % was Hindi medium. The Chi-square value is 0.007 (p>0.05) which show aninsignificant association. Therefore, students knowledge score is not influenced by academic qualification. In previous knowledge, it is found that about 92.5 % of the respondents were having previous knowledge regarding endotracheal intubation while 7.5 % had no knowledge regarding endotracheal intubation. The Chi-square value is 0.033 (p>0.50) which show aninsignificant association. Therefore, students knowledge score is not influenced by previous knowledge. In the clinical posting, it is found that about 92.5 % of the wereclinical posting in critical care unit while 7.5 % had no clinical posting. The Chi-square value is 0.054 (p>0.50) which show aninsignificant association. Therefore, students knowledge score is not influenced by clinical posting in critical care unit. Inclinical experience, it is found that about 65 % of the respondents wereclinicalexperience in critical care unit while 35 % had no clinical experience. The Chi-square value is 0.038 (p>0.50) which show aninsignificant association. Therefore, students knowledge score is not influenced by clinical experience. The findings of the study have implications for nursing practice, nursing research, nursingeducation and nursing administration The videoisaninnovative and interesting teaching method to improveknowledge of the students. Nurse educator should train the nursing students and staff to acquire the knowledge and skill. Hence, to excel in this strategy nurses need to be well equipped w
Keywords: SVATP, Endotracheal Intubation, Suctioning
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019,
Pages: 1573 - 1574
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