Downloads: 127
Research Paper | Physiology Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019
Prevalence and Distribution of Major Blood Groups A, B, O and Rh among the Permanent Residents of Northern Provinces of Kashmir Valley in India
Dr. Qazi Imtiaz Rasool | Dr. Nadeema Rafiq | Dr. Javed Hussain Bhat | Dr. Sehar Aslam | Dr. Nasir Choudary
Abstract: Prevalence of blood group varies demographically. The study was designed to determine the distribution of the major blood groups including Rh factor among the residents of Northern districts of Kashmir province in India. The pheno-typing of ABO and Rh was carried using the classic tile technique and commercially available diagnostic medical reagents, 1511 subjects screened (34.28 %) were from group O, group B (34.48 %) group A (23.29 %) group AB (7.49 %). Among Rhesus group (93.18 %) were Rh positive, and (6.81 %) Rh negative. Males had a 92.47 % and 7.53 % Prevalence of Rh positive and negative groups as compared to females 93.59 % and 6.41 % respectfully. The results were same as for population living in plains though the place is at high altitude. Evidence based data in this study will facilitate the optimum storage of blood and blood products as per requirement in the blood bank of hematology department in Government Medical College Baramulla located at altitude of (> 5200 ft above sea level) in advance as this place is near to the border.
Keywords: ABO, Rh, blood group, antigen, Sera,
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019,
Pages: 1676 - 1679
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