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Research Paper | Control Systems Engineering | Congo | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Estimation of Weibul Parameters for the System Control of Hydrogen Potential at the De-Coppering Section of Shituru Hydrometallurgical Plants
Abstract: In this paper, we want to determine the reliability of the electromechanical control system of the hydrogen potential at copper and cobalt hydrometallurgical plants at the hydrometallurgical plants of SHITURU. To achieve this goal, the Weibul model was used. The results of this study show that the hydrogen potential control system appears as a chain whose weakest link is the glass sensor which must be replaced after a certain time corresponding to the correct operation. This has the effect of producing unwanted copper during shutdown times during which the glass electrode is replaced. R'sum? Dans cet article, nous voulons d?terminer la fiabilit? du syst?me de r?gulation ?lectrom?canique du potentiel d'hydrog?ne aux usines hydrom?tallurgiques du cuivre et de cobalt aux usines hydrom?tallurgiques de SHITURU. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le mod?le de Weibul a ?t? utilis?. Les r'sultats de cette ?tude montrent que le syst?me de r?gulation du potentiel d'hydrog?ne apparait comme une chaine dont le maillon le plus faible est le capteur en verre qui doit ?tre remplac? apr's un certain temps correspondant au bon fonctionnement. Ce qui a pour effet de produire le cuivre aux qualit's non souhait?es pendant les temps d'arr?t pendant lesquels l'?lectrode de verre est remplac?e
Keywords: Hydrogen potential pH, control system, de-coppering, Weibul parameters, glass sensor
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,
Pages: 87 - 90
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