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Research Paper | Dental Science | Iraq | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
Measurements of Bennett Angle by using Cadiax Compact II in Patients with TMJ Clicking Before and after Different Treatments Modalities
Hayder Mahdi Idan | Fawaz D. Al-Aswad [3]
Abstract: Background: Temporomandibular joints connect mandibleto the cranial temporal bone and control the motions of mandible. It is considered as a complex joint, delicate and more useful in the human body. In normal physiologic temporomandibular joint, disc is placed between the mandibular condylar head inferiorly and the articular eminence superiorly and anteriorly when the jaw is closed, while through opening of the jaw, the disc slides and placed into location between the head of condyle and temporal articular eminence. Clicks can be defined as brief sounds created by mandibularmotion related with disc displacement with reduction, however click similar sounds can also be created by temporomandibular joint remodeling or hypermobility. Bennett angle can be defined as an angle made between average pathway of progressing temporomandibular joint condyle as per seen in horizontal plane and sagittal plane throughout lateral movements of lower dental arch.
Keywords: Bennett angle, Cadiax compact II, clicking, splint, laser
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 589 - 593
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