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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Egypt | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
3D Finite Element Modeling of Embankments on Soft Soil Deposits Improved by Preloading Accompanied by PVDs
Mahmoud S. Hammad | Ayman L. Fayed | Yasser M. El-Mosallamy
Abstract: Three-dimensional finite element analysis was utilized to investigate the application of preloading technique with the presence of PVDs as a method to improve soft soil deposits under embankments. Back analyses of two embankments with and without PVD were performed using PLAXIS 3D 2018. The behavior of soft soil deposits was modeled using soft soil creep model (SSC) during the back analyses. The back analyses showed very good agreement between the F. E. model and the field measurements. Also, the soft soil model (SS) and hardening soil model (HS) were utilized and compared to the behavior of the (SSC) models. The comparison showed that both models predict less settlement than the (SSC) model as they do not take the creep of the soft soil deposits into consideration, however, they can be accurately used if the predicted creep is negligible.
Keywords: Soft soil, Soil improvement, Preloading, PVDs, Vertical Drains
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 1076 - 1083
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