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Research Paper | Tourism | India | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
Factors Influencing Development of Spiritual Tourism in Puducherry
Prashant Kumar Yadav
Abstract: Spiritual tourism is defined as an act of travelling to spiritual places such as (1) mosques, churches, and temples and (2) natural environments such as forests, oceans, lake, spiritual gardens, wildlife parks for birds and animals, botanical gardens, caves, and rocks for spiritual reasons to fulfil the need for being grateful to almighty, forgiveness, and inner peace. Spiritual Journey over the centuries in India has been concentrated to visit of religious places. However, the tiny town Puducherry the head-quarters of the Union Territory of Puducherry is unique for its practice of spirituality and resultant tourism. In order to understand the practice of Spiritual Tourism in Puducherry, a small survey was carried out amongst 200 tourists visiting Puducherry. These tourists were interviewed at railway station, beach, at the entrance of Ashram, near Matrimandir and at Visitors’ centre at Auroville. The survey included a set of 20 questions concerning the spiritual motivation of tourists to answer the main objective of: conceptualizing Spiritual Tourism in the context of Puducherry and Factors Influencing Spiritual tourism in Puducherry. The survey revealed, though the spiritual visits to Puducherry are limited to a handful attraction sites such as; Ashram, Auroville, and beach. However a survey of visitors’ experience of the destination reveals “experience Puducherry” factor more than just visit to any attraction sites. The feel of French, Mixed Culture of French, Tamil, Hindu, Islam & Christianity, location of numerous cathedrals, and friendly people topped the list of factors conceptualizing Spiritual Tourism in Puducherry.
Keywords: SpiritualTourism, Infrastructure, Development, Opportunities, Business
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 1087 - 1089
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