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Case Studies | Medical Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
Effects of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine Premedication on Hemodynamics Changes during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Dr Sweta Gulati | Dr Srinivasa Murthy
Abstract: Dexmedetomidine is known to prevent haemodynamic responses by decreasing the peripheral sympathetic discharge. This study aims to find out the effect of I. V. Dexmedetomidine premedication on hemodynamic changes during laryngoscopy, intubation and during pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Methodology: We compared Dexmedetomidine along with placebo to know that at which point of time during anesthesia patient will be benefitted most with dexmedetomidine. And for this purpose a randomised control study was done in a total 60 ASA 1/2 patients. Results: Patients who received dexmedetomidine Group D showed significant fall in HR, SBP, DBP and MABP post induction, larnygoscopy, intubation, at the time of pneumoperitoneum, in the intraoperative and post operative period as compared to Group S. Conclusion: Intravenous Dexmedetomidine 1mcg/kg may be accepted as an effective premedication to attenuate the hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation as well as intra operative and post operative period.
Keywords: dexmedetomidine, laryngoscopy, hemodynamics, pneumoperitoneum, laproscopic
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 1314 - 1317
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