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Research Paper | Physics Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
D. D Sharma
Abstract: Thought experiment had been used by many a scientists including Einstein to many a grand success. Thoughtonics uses the same lavishly. Nobody cared even to define thought, let alone develop the theory of thought that Thoughtonics does. Two signals viz. , thought and phase velocity may attain any and every velocity including 0 and faster than light. We know in Einsteinian that universe starts with big bang, at least at 10-43 second from big bang there is 1028 ev energy. Question is, Where from did this kind of energy come” Also there are many other questions and contradictions involved in Relativity and Quantum Physics. Thoughtonics attempts to give an alternative theory that encompasses above both theories and is stand-alone too.
Keywords: Thought, emotion, Action, eTendency, eMotion, eVelocity, eAcceleration, Attitude, Incubation, Shunyat zerot Primitive Thoughtot, eGraviton, pGraviton, Thoughtorgy by Potentical-Particle
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 1553 - 1556
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