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Research Paper | Geology | India | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Sinuosity of Ghaghara River: A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
Abstract: The research work examined the temporal variation in the sinuosity index of the Ghaghara River Middle Ganga plain, India. The calculation of the sinuosity indexes was used mutilated satellite Imageries and Survey of India Toposheets (1: 50, 000) which is carried out using Arc GIS 10 software. The sinuosity of the channel has been measured is 1.3, 1.2, 1.3, 1.2, 1.2, and 1.3 for year 1975, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2018, respectively. The Temporal variation in sinuosity of Ghaghara River has been identified. Sinuosity index variation is induced by the slope of fluvial systems, water discharge. High sinuosity of the river identifies the characteristics of the gentle slope of the river basin which indicate the area becomes more sensitive to the flood. The Spatio-temporal shifting analysis of the river is very susceptible to identify the future trend of the river.
Keywords: Ghaghara River, Spatio-Temporal Sinuosity Index, Remote Sensing and GIS
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 1361 - 1364
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