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Comparative Studies | Medical Science | India | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Comparative Study of Low Dose Bupivacaine-Fentanyl versus Conventional Dose of Bupivacaine in Spinal Anesthesia for Orthopedic Procedures in Elderly Patients: A Prospective Randomised Double Blind Study
Dr Nafisa Sharfeen | Dr. Jalaja Praveena
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Perioperative hypotension may affect postoperative recovery and increases risk of ischemia. Opioids and local anaesthetics administered together intrathecally have potent synergestic analgesic effect, enhancing the sensory blockade without altering the degree of sympathetic blockade ensuring better hemodynamic stability. OBJECTIVE: To compare the low dose of Bupivacaine-Fentanyl and conventional dose of Bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia for orthopedic procedures in elderly patients. METHODOLOGY: After institutional ethics committee approval & written informed consent, 60 patients of both sex, age >50years years; with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I, II & III, who are undergoing Elective lower limb orthopaedic surgeries were taken into study. They are divided into 2 groups (n-30). Group A- Received Bupivacaine 15mg (3ml). Group B - Received Bupivacaine 10mg (2ml) +25mcg Fentanyl made to 3ml by adding normal saline. Parameters like time of onset of adequate level of analgesia, , duration of motor block, duration of sensory block, hemodynamic parameters blood pressure, heart rate, incidence of complications were noted in both groups. RESULT: Groups were comparable for Demographic data ( Age, Weight, duration of surgery. Statistical analysis was done with Student test, p-value of
Keywords: fentanyl, bupivacaine, spinal, orthopedic, elderly
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020,
Pages: 948 - 953
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