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Case Studies | Medical Science | Indonesia | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Initiation of Cotrimoxazole in Patients with Suspected Pneumocystis Pneumonia in HIV Infection: Case Report
Abstract: Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP) or also known as Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia is a disease that has a high morbidity and mortality rate in patients with decreased immunity, one of disease in HIV/AIDS patients. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have dramatically increased the prevalence of PCP, and have become an alarming complication of the late stages of HIV infection. In this case described patient HIV with PCP suspicion, that have symptoms asphyxiation, cough, fever and weight loss of about 10 kg for two months, treated with oxygen NRB 8 lpm, OAT category I, levofloxacin, nystatin drop, methyl prednisolone and transfusion with PRC to Hb 13, but no improvement after two weeks. The result of LDH serum is 1224 U/L, the absence of BAL and CT-Scan. The treatment this patient is cotrimoxazole 3x960 mg. The cotrimoxazole continued for 21 days and patient recovered accordingly. Cotrimoxazole can be given as a prophylaxis and a therapy on PCP infected with HIV. The therapeutic dose depends on the enormousness of the disease.
Keywords: PCP, HIV, cotrimoxazole, pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020,
Pages: 1518 - 1521
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