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Research Paper | Physics | Tunisia | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Effect of Gamma-Irradiation on the EPR Study of Epoxy-Resin Films: Potential Use in Dosimetric Application
H. Kaouach | M. Daoudi
Abstract: The present paper reports the results of EPR technique of gamma-irradiated epoxy-resin films. In this work, the samples have been the subject of low doses varying from 100 Gy to 1000 Gy as well as high doses ranging from 1 to 60 kGy. EPR signal spectra of both non-irradiated and irradiated epoxy resin are attributed to the superposition of strong singlet and broad spectrum comprising of the wings triplets of almost equal line intensities. The latest may be assigned to the interaction between unpaired spin and nitrogen atom. A linear behavior between the absorbed and the intensities of the EPR signal was observed for low doses, but the time stability of the epoxy resin samples was investigated for 80 days at room temperature. For the entire dose range, the signal loss did not exceed 1 %, this percentage is required for routine dosimeter especially for 100 Gy- 60 kGy irradiation domain.
Keywords: epoxy resin, gamma radiation, EPR
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020,
Pages: 1593 - 1595
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