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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | Libya | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Numerical Investigation on the Laminar Flow in a Vertical Pipe with Elliptic Cross Section
Saleh Etaig | Gamal Hashem
Abstract: The presented paper reports the analysis of the flows characteristic and heat performance in a horizontal pipe with elliptic cross section area. The flow is investigated by CFD techniques using a finite volume method. A range of Re number is tested in the present study. Various velocity ranges were used as constant wall heat flux boundary conditions. The increase of the Re number was found to increase the heat transfer rate; the skin friction factor was found to increase with the increase in Re number. The increase in Re number promoted Nu number at both top wall and side wall of the elliptic pipe, however, the temperature distribution on top wall and side wall was found to be different. The velocity in the elliptic pipe is calculated, and the results are shown and discussed
Keywords: Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Elliptic pipe, CFD
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020,
Pages: 1588 - 1592
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