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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
Setting Agenda of Detik.Com in News Coverage of Online Prostitution Case of Vanessa Angel
Khina Januar Rahmawati | Jufri M. Soleman | Ira Naulita
Abstract: Setting Agenda Theory is media (specially for news media) do not success absolutely tell what the public thinks, but the media provides agendas through the news, while the public follows it. In the process, the Agenda Setting can be divided into three sub-areas; media agenda, public agenda and policy agenda. This type of research is descriptive research with qualitative methods and study literature. As for the types of data sources used in this study, the authors only use primary data, namely the observation of the online media portal deyik. com and secondary data from lietarature reporting on the online prostitution case Vanessa Angel at detik. com January 5-7 2019 period. Conclusions from this research is a Media Agenda that is formed seen from the number and level of prominence of the news, the level of prominence for the audience, relevance. Detik. com is quite representative of the public agenda in terms of information needs related to online prostitution among artists. Then separately the policy agenda formed is the existence of a sharper Law to be able to provide a deterrent effect for prostitution.
Keywords: Agenda Setting, detikcom, kasus prostitusi online
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 1751 - 1758
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