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Case Studies | Industrial Engineering | Iran | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Risk Optimum Allocation Model using Multiple Criteria Decision Making Techniques: A Case Study of Hormoz Petrochemical In Iran
Mohammad Ebrahim Ebrahimi Malekshah
Abstract: Today, the risk is calculated as the non-separable part of projects, as, implementation a project without risk is impossible. The risks directly affect on time, cost and the project quality. They usually impose costs on projects that must be paid by owner, contractor and/or partnership. f, the responsibility of these risks doesnt be allot correctly among the beneficiaries, could cause the increase in the proposed prices in sales and as a result causes the increase in owner costs, because, the contractors try to decrease their risks in under taking discreetly amounts in their proposed prices to against to probably risks. for this reason, this paper gives a model for calculating the risk determination optimum relation between the sides of contract in projects, in contracting stage, as that the compatible of the sides be absorbed as much as possible and the winner-winner relation be made between them.
Keywords: Risk optimum determination, risk, multiple-criteria making decision techniques, risk prioritize
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 171 - 179
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