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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Islamic Education Development Strategy In Facing The Global Challenges
Dr. H. Achmad Asrori MA
Abstract: Globalization era is the reality that we ought to face. The ongoing changes and some problems of education as the impact of globalization must be faced and solved as well as possible both on discourse and concrete or action policy phases. Inevitably, the Islamic education will be involved and insisted to be able to give a significant contribution. This paper describes urgency of the Islamic education to reconstruct its self before, both in the institutional management programs and learning aspects, and we must realize that the religious education has the important role in the national education system as core of education What must be reconstructed, why and how to reconstruct the Islamic education This paper answer those questions.
Keywords: development, global challenges, Islamic education, Madrasa, reconstruction
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 587 - 592
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