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Research Paper | Pediatrics | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Arm Sling versus Figure of ?8? Bandage for Pediatric Clavicle Fractures
Dr. Praveen Kumar Pandey [2] | Dr. Jyoti Gupta [3]
Abstract: Background- Paediatric clavicle fracture is a very common injury presented to an orthopaedist all over the world. Previously most of the paediatric clavicle fractures have been managed conservatively. Recently there is a surge of surgical management for these injuries as recommended in literature. Materials and methods- We have conducted a prospective clinical study to compare two modes of conservative management for paediatric clavicle fractures in children aged 4 years to 11 years over a period of 6 months after excluding indications for surgical management as per literature. Total of 75 patients included in the study after consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Group 1 consisting of 38 patients managed with figure of 8 bandage and group 2 consisting of 37 patients managed with simple arm sling. Mean radiographic and clinical follow up was of 6 months. Results- Both the groups showed excellent and comparable clinical as well as radiological results at last follow up. But group 2 showed better results in terms of complications, number of days required to get back to his/her routine activities after injury and financial burden to the parents of patient. Conclusion- We recommend that simple arm sling is a better mode of management for paediatric clavicle fractures which can be managed conservatively.
Keywords: clavicle, fracture, arm sling, figure of 8 bandage, paediatric
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 562 - 565
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