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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Survey: IoT Vehicular Information Network
Prarna Dhar | Poonam Gupta [7]
Abstract: Inter vehicular communication is a technology where vehicles act as different nodes to form a network. In a vehicular network different vehicles communicate among each other via wireless access. Authentication is very crucial security service for inter vehicular communication (IVC) in Vehicular Information Network. It is because, protecting vehicles from any attempt to cause damage (misuse) to their private data and the attacks on their privacy. In this survey paper, we investigate the authentication issues for vehicular information network architecture based on the communication principle of named data networking (NDN). This paper surveys the most emerging paradigm of NDN in vehicular information network. So, we aims this survey paper helps to improve content naming, addressing, data aggregation and mobility for IVC in the vehicular information network.
Keywords: Internet of Things IoT, named data networking, inter vehicular communication IVC, Vehicular information network, MQTT
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 555 - 558
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