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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Yield Stress of CCSS Thin Rectangular Plate in Postbuckling Load Regimes
Oguaghamba O. A. | Ibearugbulem M. O. | Mbachu V. C.
Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyse the buckling and postbuckling yield stress of CCSS thin rectangular plate. Here, the exact displacement and stress profiles of the plate were obtained by applying the direct integration theory to the Kirchhoffs linear governing differential equation and von Karmans nonlinear governing differential compatibility equation respectively. With these, the buckling and postbuckling load expression of the CCSS plate was obtained by applying work principle to the Von Karmans nonlinear governing differential equilibrium equation. CCSS thin rectangular plate strength was obtained in terms of its yield/maximum stress. Other related parameters of the plate such as displacement parameter, Wuv, stress coefficient, Wuv2 and load factor, Kcx were determined. Results of this study show that for a CCSS plate material having yield stress of 250MPa at unit aspect ratio, failure would occur only at 1.8h postbuckling out of plane deflection (i. e. , extra tolerable load of, 103.63MPa), contrary to the presumed critical buckling load of 148.207Mpa. The inplane load develops bending stress of 77.143MPa, while the direct buckling and postbuckling load accounts for 174.7MPa, prior to failure. These stresses cumulate to the yield stress of the plate. Hence, CCSS plate would tolerate additional load on deflection, prior to its material and structural failure. It possesses postbuckling strength in addition to its critical buckling strength.
Keywords: Buckling, Coupled Equations, Direct Integration, Postbuckling, Work Principle, Yield stress
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 629 - 634
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