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Review Papers | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Performance of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) Section: A Review
Vishal V. Gore | Popat D. Kumbhar
Abstract: Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) is the composite section formed by filling concrete into a hollow steel tube. The CFST section resists applied load through the composite action of concrete and steel, this advantageous interactive behavior between steel tubes and concrete increases the strength of CFST section and hence it has become popular in recent days and is being used in structures such as bridges, electricity towers, buildings etc. Extensive works carried out on CFST in past years have indicated that the CFST sections possess high ductility, strength and stiffness properties. These properties are considered to be important, especially for the multi-storied buildings required to be erected in earthquake prone areas. Therefore, behaviour of buildings with CFST sections needs to be studied. The present paper reviews various research works carried out by several researchers on CFST sections for investigating the behavior considering parameters such as length to diameter (L/D) ratio, Diameter to thickness (D/t) ratio, thickness of steel tube etc.
Keywords: Concrete Filled Steel Tube CFST, Finite Element Model, D/t ratio, L/D ratio, thickness of steel tube
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 645 - 647
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