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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Bangladesh | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Seismic Analysis of Siri Dam Using Pseudo-Static Approach
Shabbir Ahmed Osmani | Md. Jahir Bin Alam
Abstract: In this study, the seismic risk analysis of Siri embankment dam, situated on Meghna river has been performed using pseudo-static method. The dam was selected for four reasons Firstly, the dam is situated in Zone II, which is becoming very vulnerable to Earthquake. Secondly, there is a lack of case history performance, which made it more unpredictable. Thirdly, the embankment dam is situated on Meghna, which is one of the most important river of Bangladesh. And lastly but not least, no earthquake occurred in these faults for many years, which means huge strength has gathered around the fault that could cause serious earthquakes in Bangladesh and its neighboring areas at any time. This paper represents a seismic risk assessment on a small scale, which is only for the dam area. The Factor of safety obtained for slope stability analysis and the liquefaction indicates the safety of the structures. But as Earthquake is one of the catastrophic and unpredictable disaster, safety measures like constructing houses and other infrastructures near the dam should be avoided. The dam was analyzed at U/S & D/S considering seismic coefficient in the range of 0.05 ~ 0.15. It is found that at k = 0.2, the dam is vulnerable in earthquake.
Keywords: Embankment dam, Pseudo-static, factor of safety, seismic coefficient, Upstream, Downstream
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 953 - 957
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