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Research Paper | Management | Mexico | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Empirical Study of the Top Management, their Skills and Abilities Case: Firms in Cuernavaca, Morelos. Mexico
Augusto Renato Perez Mayo PhD | Jose Alberto Hernandez Aguilar PhD | Luz Stella Vallejo Trujillo PhD
Abstract: The skills and abilities can be understood as theoretical and practical features that contribute to achieve excellent performance in a position or specific role within an organizational context (Irizar, 1997). The lack of skills and abilities of the senior management threaten the stability and existence of any organization. The purpose of this study was to identify these problems in the senior management of the companies of Cuernavaca, Morelos, which directly impact on their growth and development. A sample of 49 companies was selected using a sampling by proportion taking into account that in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos there are 1.758 establishments, between micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The design of the study was quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational, due describes the relationship between two or more variables, categories or concepts in a given time (Hernandez, Fernandez and Baptista, 2006). A questionnaire was used with a Likert-type scale with a reliability of 0.92 coefficient Cronbach's Alpha. This study is supported theoretically in Alles (2007), Ariza (2005), of Zubiria (2006), Hellriegel (2002), Levy-Leboyer (2003) and Pelekais (2008), among others. The results reported in the dimension of knowledge of the skills and management skills in the microenterprise in Cuernavaca, 79.71 % of the sample does not have, in small business, 80.11 % does not have. In the medium-sized enterprise, the 80.57 % of the people surveyed, agrees that the top management of their company doesn't have the concepts, disciplinary knowledge, contextual knowledge and procedural knowledge. On the dimension of the skills the 84.37% of micro-businesses surveyed, lacks of skills to apply the knowledge.
Keywords: Skills, abilities, senior management, companies
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 635 - 644
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