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Research Paper | Education Management | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Recovery of Human Values through Mathematics Education for Social and Economic Development in Nigeria
Chinweoke Felicia U.
Abstract: Human values are vital for the enhancement of social and economic development in a country especially Nigeria. This paper tries to X-ray recovery of human values through mathematics education for social and economic development in Nigeria. Mathematics education and some aspects of human values such as self-discipline, problem-solving and diligence (hard work) which mathematics education inculcates in the children are looked into, with the implications that if mathematics education is properly carried out in the families, schools and society at large the lost glory of human values is sure to be recovered. Above all, peace and freedom should take their rightful place in the society for and there will be great improvement in the social-economic development in Nigeria. So, governments and educational stakeholders such as parents, teachers and other bodies in education should perform their duties properly to enhance social and economic development in Nigeria.
Keywords: Prior knowledge, Behavioural Objectives, Study Questions, Mathematics, Studentss
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 2474 - 2476
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