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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Survey on Straining Attacker's Impact in WSN using Secure Data Aggregation
Devendra Hapase [3] | S. D. Satav [4]
Abstract: A Wireless Sensor Network can be defined as a group of sensors which are distributed spatially to monitor physical or spatial conditions such as temperature, volcano, fire monitoring, sound, urban sensing, pressure etc. In a large WSN, the data aggregation significantly reduces communication overhead and energy consumption. In order to pass data, although data in-network aggregation was used and it reduced the problem of communication overhead and transmission loss but failed in computing double-counting sensitive aggregates at the Base Station. The research community proposed synopsis diffusion to eliminate this problem but it did not helped in securing the network against the problem of attacks caused by the compromised nodes, resulting in the false computation of aggregate. In this paper, synopsis diffusion is being made secure against the attacks by compromised nodes. To do so, an algorithm is being presented which can securely compute aggregates in the presence of such attacks. This algorithm is named as Attack-Resilient algorithm. The attack-resilient algorithm computes the true aggregate by filtering out the contributions of compromised nodes in the aggregation hierarchy. Extensive studies and performance analysis have shown that the proposed algorithm i. e. Attack-Resilient algorithm is more effective and outperforms other existing approaches.
Keywords: Data aggregation, hierarchical aggregation, in-network aggregation, sensor network security, synopsis diffusion, attack resilient
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 1287 - 1291
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