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Informative Article | Environmental Science Studies | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Valuation of Private Universities Library Resources: What to Look Out for While Valuing Same and Things needed to be considered before Arriving at Fair Opinion of Value
Ifediora Christian Osita | Keke Onyinye Vivian
Abstract: The work essentially covers the aspect of valuation which is seen as forgotten by Valuers or actually that which rarely comes by. Even when remembered or comes by, how to identify what to place value on becomes a pressing issue/challenge and mode/process of valuation becomes tasking. Also when what to value has been identified, how to carry out the valuation becomes another challenge. This work however identified those things to look out for, in addition it suggested how to carry out valuation of such resources. It concluded by urging practitioners to do more study on how to carryout valuation of library resources, this will help go a long way in valuation profession as there has not been an established method for valuing such resources.
Keywords: Valuation, Library, Resources, Estate Surveyors, Valuers, Private Universities
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 1535 - 1539
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