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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Implicit Sentiment Identification using Aspect based Opinion Mining
Sayali A Mankar | M. D. Ingle [11]
Abstract: Opinion mining or sentiment analysis is the compu-tational study of opinions or emotions towards aspects or things. The aspects are nothing but attributes or components of the individuals, events, topics, products and organizations. Opinion mining has been an active research area in Web mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in recent years. With the explosive growth of E-commerce, there are millions of product options available and people tend to review the viewpoint of others before buying a product. An aspect-based opinion mining approach helps in analyzing opinions about product features and attributes. This project is based on extracting aspects and related customer sentiments on tourism domain. This offers an approach to discover consumer preferences about tourism products and services using statistical opinion mining. The proposed system tries to extract both explicit aspects as well as implicit aspects from customer reviews. It thus increases the sentiment orientation of opinion. Most of the researches were based on explicit opinions of customers. This system tries to retrieve implicit sentiments. Due to the growing availability of unstructured reviews, the proposed system gives a summarized form of the information that is obtained from the reviews in order to furnish customers with pin point or crisp results. opinion mining, implicit, explicit, customer preferences
Keywords: opinion mining, implicit, explicit, customer preferences
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 1731 - 1735
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