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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
A Survey Paper on Cloud Storage Auditing with Key Exposure Resistance
Sneha Singha [2] | S. D. Satav [4]
Abstract: As data is dynamically updated in todays world, the existing remote integrity checking methods which served as a purpose for static data can no longer be enforced to authenticate the integrity of dynamic data in the cloud. In this scenario, cloud storage auditing conveys an efficient and secure dynamic auditing protocol which draws a confidence to the data owners that their data is correctly stored in the cloud. The present auditing protocols assume that the secret key of the client is very secure while in reality, it is not. Thus, to overcome these flaws, this paper introduces an idea of lessening the clients secret key disclosure. In this paper, we propose a system where de-duplication strategy of data is adopted and it will check the duplicacy of data and eliminate the redundant one using MD5 hashing. Also, it uses tile bitmap method wherin it will check the previous and the current versions of the data to ease the auditors workload and to make the system more efficient.
Keywords: Data storage, cloud storage auditing, de-duplication, cloud computation, key-exposure resistance, tile bitmap
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 1821 - 1823
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