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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Graphical Password Knowledge Based Authentication System Enhancement Using Persuasive Technology
Prof. Uma Yadav | Sarita Sakure
Abstract: An Existing authentication system has certain drawbacks which results now a days graphical passwords are most preferable authentication system where users click on images to authenticate themselves. An important aspect of an authentication system is to support users for selecting the better password. Basically user creates most memorable password which is easy to guess by an attacker and system assigned passwords are difficult to memorize. So researchers of modern days gone through different alternative methods and conclude that graphical passwords are most preferable authentication system. The proposed system combines the existing cued click point technique with the persuasive feature to influence user choice, encouraging user to select more random click point which is difficult to guess.
Keywords: Authentication, Graphical Password, images, Usability, Security
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 2082 - 2086
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