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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Survey on Load Aware and Energy Aware Routing in MANET
Akshay Dubey | Medhavi Shriwas
Abstract: A more challenging goal in a MANET is to provide energy efficient routes because nodes life time is the most critical limiting factor. It will prevent the network from being partitioning and helps nodes from being sinking down. This paper classifies the energy aware routing protocols for MANETs. They minimize either the active communication energy required to transmit or receive packets or the inactive energy consumed when a mobile node stays idle but listens to the wireless medium for any possible communication requests from other nodes. The life time of MANET is totally depends upon battery of each node. So the paper empathizes on increasing the battery life. There are many energy efficient routing protocols available. Hence it is not defined that which particular protocol is best suited for given network. The purpose of this paper is to facilitate the research efforts in combining the existing solutions to offer a more energy efficient routing mechanism. Initial energy of node determines the behavior of the network. It works perfectly at lower initial energy of nodes.
Keywords: MANET, Routing Protocol, DSR, Node Energy
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 2058 - 2061
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