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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
A Survey on User Search Goal Inferring and Re-Ranking System
Hemlata Gaikwad [2] | P. B. Kumbharkar [2]
Abstract: We know that a non-detachable part of human beings is the internet throughout the world. But as the internet called as an ocean of information so that each and every information we can get from the internet. To infer the user search goals through user profiles an excellent effort have made by many researchers, knowledge of user searching or history of user searching and pattern but their failed the most of the techniques as its not that over the internet the same contents or documents there will always try to search by the user. To find the location specific queries another technique to guess the user goals made use of user location and answer them. Thus for the user goal search we are going to analyze all the implemented algorithms.
Keywords: Hidden Web Crawler, Query Optimization, Search engines, Metadata, document frequency
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 2108 - 2112
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