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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Survey Paper on Advanced Techniques for Image Forgery Detection
Amruta Jagtap [2] | H. A. Hingoliwala [11]
Abstract: Today manipulation of digital images has become easy due to powerful computers, advanced photo-editing software packages and high resolution capturing devices. Verifying the integrity of images and detecting traces of tampering without requiring extra prior knowledge of the image content or any embedded watermarks is an important research field. An attempt is made to survey the recent developments in the field of digital image forgery detection. This paper proposes a novel copymove forgery detection scheme using adaptive over-segmentation and feature point matching. The proposed scheme integrates both block-based and key point-based forgery detection methods. The proposed adaptive over-segmentation algorithm segments the host image into non-overlapping and irregular blocks adaptively. Then, the feature points are extracted from each block as block features, and the block features are matched with one another to locate the labeled feature points, this procedure can approximately indicate the suspected forgery regions. To detect the forgery regions more accurately, we propose the forgery region extraction algorithm, which replaces the feature points with small super pixels as feature blocks and then merges the neighboring blocks that have similar local color features into the feature blocks to generate the merged regions. Finally, it applies the morphological operation to the merged regions to generate the detected forgery regions.
Keywords: Copy-move forgery detection, adaptive over-segmentation, feature point matching, forgery region extraction
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 163 - 165
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