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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Survey on Optimization of Resource Cost and Service Price Scheme in Cloud Computing
Kshitija S. Sontakke [2] | Karan S. Mashal [2]
Abstract: Cloud computing is a kind of internet-based computing and on demand computing where shared resources and information are provided to the customers on-demand. Profit is the most important factor from the cloud service providers point of view and it is mainly determined by the configuration of a cloud service platform under given market demand. A single long-term renting scheme is usually used to configure a cloud platform, which cannot guarantee the quality of service but leads to serious resource waste. To overcome the drawbacks of single renting scheme, Double resource RR Renting scheme is designed which is the combination of both short term and long term renting. Double resource renting scheme not only guarantees the quality of service but also reduce the resource waste. In which M/M/m+D queuing model is used for job scheduling. Double resource renting RR scheme not only provides the Qos to the customers by using load balancing round robin algorithm but also maximize profit than single renting scheme
Keywords: cloud computing, profit, pricing model Service level agreement, queuing model, service charge, load balancing
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 178 - 181
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