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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | China | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Deep Learning and Analyses of Clustering Algorithms
Abstract: The research actuality and new progress in clustering algorithm in recent years are summarized in this paperFirstthe analysis and induction of some representative clustering algorithms have been made from several aspectssuch as the ideas of algorithmkey technologyadvantage and disadvantageOn the other handseveral typical clustering algorithms an d known data sets are selected simulation experiments are implemented from both sides of accuracy and running efficiencyand clustering condition of one algorithm with different data sets is an analyzed by comparing with the same clustering of the data set under different algorithmsFinallythe research hotspotdifficulty shortage of the data clustering and some pending problems are addressed by the integration of the aforementioned two aspects information. The above work can give a valuable reference for data clustering and data mining.
Keywords: Clustering algorithm, k-means, Data sets, Refining initial points, Cluster
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 621 - 629
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