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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Concurrent and Free Accessing in Encrypted Cloud Databases
G. Sudheer Kumar | P. Pavan Kumar
Abstract: The major security challenge with clouds is that the owner of the data may not have control of where the data is placed. This is because if one wants to exploit the benefits of using cloud computing. Cloud computing is one of the most increasing one with the increase number of cloud users. In todays environment every user wants to access their data at any time and at anywhere. In an organization they store their data only on their computers, if they want their data during roaming situation means it is not possible one to carry the data at every time, this is a difficult factors for an organization. Cloud computing can address this problem by providing data storage mechanism to access the data at anywhere. This is one of the storage device used to access their data at any where through networks which is called cloud provider. For this service user worry about the security and privacy issue under this cloud computing for their personal data. For this issue this survey shows various techniques for the security and privacy mechanism for the user data.
Keywords: Cloud, security, confidentiality, SecureDBaaS, database
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1731 - 1735
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