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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Rapid Image Search with Tags Using Semantic- Aware Namespace
V. Archana [2] | M. Tamil Thendral [2]
Abstract: Thousands of images are uploaded in social networking sites daily. Technically there is no proper way for searching the content in the files like images in the ever growing social sites. For example a user may upload many images in his/ her profile and when a friend requests a particular image from the uploaded list, it becomes a problematic one, since this requires us to search the complete profile and time to search for particular image is high. An access control mechanism is used in Semantic aware namespace (SANE). Using this mechanism the user can set privileges to each friend as what he/she views. Huffman compression scheme is used in SANE. This compression scheme uses fewer bits to store more repeated words and more bits for less repeated bits. Thus using fewer bits for more frequent words results in less storage, which is used to compress the uploaded images and store as a single file in ultra file system. The images are stored in a hierarchical structure along with list of tags. The image search can be done with the help of tags. The file can be shared to any user. The tags are encrypted using Triple DES algorithm for security purposes.
Keywords: Compression method, Tags, SANE- Semantic-aware namespace, Rapid Search, Hierarchical File
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 859 - 861
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