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Review Papers | Home Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Protective Work Wear for Labour Working in Metal Electroplating Units: A Critical Review
Sugandha Sahni | Dr. Rita Kant | Prof. Dr M. S. Parmar
Abstract: This paper is a summary of documented research on Chemical Protective Clothing worn by labour handling chemicals in metal electroplating industries. The reviewer has discussed the facts involved in the process of electroplating. There are numerous problems involved in the process of plating. It plays an important role in making a metal aesthetically usable. Metal Electroplating involves 4 steps/ stages and handling of chemicals like H2CrO4, H2SO4, Ni (NH2SO3) 2, HNH2SO3, acids and alkalis as shown in Table 1. In the process workers are likely to harm and injure themselves with strong fumes and direct contact with skin. Particular emphasis has been placed on the requirements, performance, standards and analysis of this protective wear. This article identifies domain for improving performance of protective wear and testing methods
Keywords: CPC, Chemical Hazards, Standards, Requirements, OSHA, NFPA
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1585 - 1593
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