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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
A New Methodology for Testing Spring Stiffness
Prathamesh D. Belapurkar | Sushant. S. Jadhav
Abstract: Mechanical Spring used in any machine has its own stiffness value. This stiffness value changes according to its application. A spring stiffness testing can be done using many methods like hydraulic actuators or by applying external load on the spring. Tested spring installed in a machine improves the performance of the machine and produces more efficient and reliable results. One of the method of testing spring stiffness is through its frequency. Only considering a single parameter i. e. (deflection due to vibration) stiffness of a spring can be calculated. Results are compared and on that basis modification and optimization of machine is done. This paper illustrates the application of new method of testing spring through its frequency and natural frequency to calculate their stiffness and deflection values.
Keywords: compression springs, spring frequency, spring stiffness, spring testing machine
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 867 - 869
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