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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Load Frequency Control with Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Approach for Multi Area Power System
Pradeep Kumar Sahu | Abhijeet Singh [3]
Abstract: The dynamic performance of load frequency control of multi area power system is done by using Fuzzy logic controller. Change in frequency causes in speed. Thus, it is necessary to maintain network frequency constant so, that power system should run satisfactorily and in parallel various motor should run at a desired speed and correct time is obtained from synchronous clock in the system so, that device should run satisfactorily. Simulation result for the multi area power system proves the effectiveness of proposed LFC and shows its superiority over classical PID controller. The main objectives of load frequency controller in each area is to supply load demand and power transfer through tie lines to minimize transient deviations to ensure steady state errors to be zero and to maintain frequency to a particular specified limit. When dealing with load frequency problem of power system, that is unexpected external disturbances, parameters uncertainties pose big challenges for controller design. Thus, ADRC as an increasing popular practical control technique has an advantage of requiring the little information from the plant model and being robust against disturbances and uncertainties. The controller is constructed for a three area power system with different turbine units including non-reheat unit, reheat and hydraulic units in different areas.
Keywords: Load frequency control, fuzzy logic controller design of FL controller, Fuzzification Method
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1057 - 1061
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