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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
A Literature Survey on ?Disaster Monitoring & Alarming System for Mountain Foothills?
Abstract: Preventing the disaster before it occurs and alerting the people in prone area is today's major need. The mostly occurred natural disasters in India are landslide and flash flood in the mountain area like Uttarakhanda. The use of Disaster monitoring and alarming system is to save human lives as well as to inform the ministry within the fraction of seconds about disaster and to provide the rescue team in prone area. It takes 4 steps like landslide detection, upstream downstream counting, ringing alarm and sms sending. The problem of disaster monitoring techniques is they are used to detect only one disaster at the time. If any other disaster occurred at that time people are unaware about the fact. The aim of this paper is to learn about the techniques which are used to monitor landslide and flash flood together and also to inform the people before disaster occurs via alarm in prone area and sending sms on each other's mobile.
Keywords: landslide detection, upstream, downstream, alarm, sms sending
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1071 - 1074
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