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Research Paper | Botany | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Ethnobotanical Investigation of Some Medicinal Plants used by Tribes of Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh, India
Kumud Sandya [5] | Ganesh Singh Sandya [10]
Abstract: Present paper deals with 30 ethnobotanical plants have been identified for the treatment of various disease. Harbarium has been prepared which contains information pertaining to botanical name, local name, plants used, their dose and process of administration. A survey of ethnobotanical plants of Mandla district has been carried out with co-operation of Tribal villagers.
Keywords: Ethnobotanical plants, Tribes, Mandla, Madhya Pradesh
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1694 - 1696
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