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Survey Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Survey on Android Based Live Monitoring System of Green House Parameter
Jayashri G. Hagaone | M. D. Jakhete [4]
Abstract: Agriculture is the worldwide prime occupation of human being. There is a strong correlation between agricultural growth and economic growth. We need a new and effective technology which can improve continuously the productivity, profitability of our major farming systems. In earlier method of farming farmer were required to visit their farm repeatedly. This is very time saving g, and it required lots of work and effort. This system focus on automatic monitoring of greenhouse parameters using wireless sensor network using embedded system. In this project Raspberry Pi is used as an embedded Linux board whose designed is based on the arm 9 microcontroller architecture. Embedded Linux board makes the communication between all distributed sensor nodes placed in the farm through ZigBee protocol and itself act as a coordinated node in the wireless sensor network. The main work of coordinator node is to collect the parameters like soil moisture and soil temperature wirelessly. Each sensor node consists of soil moisture and soil temperature sensor and ZigBee RF antenna device for communication with the coordinator node. Raspberry Pi stores collected data in the database and analyzes the stored data. The system will work according to the algorithm developed for watering the crop. In the proposed system project monitoring is done with the help of android mobile phone. In software design embedded C is used for coding. With the help of this system Irrigation monitoring is done remotely with the help of Android mobile phone.
Keywords: ARM Processor, raspberry Pi, Arduino Device
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1353 - 1355
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