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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Improving Result of Learning History through Application of Problem Based Learning Model (An Empirical Study in Class X IPS 1 Public Senior High School 1 Tirawuta)
Darnawati [2] | Made Agus Trisnayasa
Abstract: This study aims to determine the history learning outcome through the application of learning models of problem based learning. The method used is classroom action research, and held for two cycles, with each cycle consist of planning, action, observation and evaluation and reflection. The first cycle consists of three meetings, as well as with the second cycle. Aspects studied were teaching activities of teachers, students' learning activities which obtained through observation sheets, and student learning outcomes obtained through the learning test results. Results of statistical analysis showed that the learning outcomes of Indonesian history in class X Public Senior High School IPS 1 Tirawuta through the application of problem based learning model has increased in each cycle. In the first cycle the percentage of student learning outcomes reached 71.88% with an average value of 80.22 and the second cycle the percentage of student learning outcomes reached 90.63% with an average value of 83.10. From these results, can be concluding that the implementation of problem based learning model can improve learning outcomes of Indonesian history.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Learning Outcomes
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1463 - 1468
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