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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
A Secure and Authorized Duplication Check of Data Using Hybrid Cloud Approach
Sonali B. Motegaonkar | Prof. Chaitanya S. Kulkarni
Abstract: Current era is a cloud computing era. The use of cloud increasing daily. Cloud computing is nothing but the sharing of resources and pay as per we use. Now a days use of cloud computing is increasing rapidly. But the problem with cloud computing is every day data is get uploaded on the cloud. The increasing similar data. So to reduce the used size of cloud deduplication is best method in the data deduplication approach duplicate data is removed from the cloud. This will helps to save storage space and bandwidth also. To remove the duplicate data we have proposed a novel method in which user have assigned some privilege according to that duplication check is perform. We have used a hybrid cloud architecture to achieve the cloud data deduplication. Experimental result of our method shows that proposed method is more secure and consumes less resources of cloud We have shown that proposed scheme has minimal overhead in duplicate removal as compared to the normal deduplication technique.
Keywords: Authorization, data, security, privilege, deduplication, credentials, cloud
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1645 - 1648
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