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Review Papers | Material Science and Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Current Research Trends in Modification / Interaction of Halloysite Nanotube Filled Polymer Blends and Its Composites: A Review
Pravin Kubade | Ravindranath Kshirsagar
Abstract: These Halloysite is a naturally occurring aluminosilicate material (Al2Si2O5 (OH) 4.2H2O) with hollow tubular structure which is obtained from mines as natural deposits. Halloysite shows unique surface chemical property because of its multi-layer structure with a few hydroxyl groups present on the surface of the nanotubes. Due to the weak secondary interactions between the nanotubes by hydrogen bonds and van derWaals forces halloysite can be easily dispersed in a non-polar polymer matrix such as polupropylene as compared to any other layer silicates. Today we know the HNTs filled polymer blends and its composites is because of various researches carried out over many years. Researchers have toiled hard to improve the thermomechanical performance and physical properties with various experiments. A looking down with hatred of different approaches, every new research shares the same objectives of getting superior thermomechanical performance and physical properties at very lower filler loadings compared to conventional polymer composites. This paper reviews the vast array of research work carried out within past decades for the modifications/intercalations of HNTs to improve the dispersion and physical properties of the nanocomposites. This study is mainly focused on the aspects related to improve the mechanical, thermal and physical properties of the nanocomposite. It reports the research trends in modification/interaction of HNTs filled polymer blends and its composites.
Keywords: HNTs, aluminosilicate Al2Si2O5 OH 42H2O
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015,
Pages: 1766 - 1772