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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Survey on Fraud Ranking in Mobile Apps
Monali Zende | Aruna Gupta [6]
Abstract: Ranking fraud in the mobile App business suggest to false or tricky exercises which have a motivation behind, knocking up the Apps in the fame list. Now a days, many shady means are used more frequently by app developers, such expanding their Apps' business or posting imposter App evaluations, to confer positioning misrepresentation. There is a limited understanding and research area for preventing ranking fraud. This paper gives a whole perspective of positioning misrepresentation and describes a Ranking fraud identification framework for mobile Apps. This work is grouped into three category. First is web ranking spam detection, second is online review spam detection and last one is mobile app recommendation. The Web ranking spam refers to any deliberate actions which bring to selected Web pages an unjustifiable favorable relevance or importance. Review spam is designed to give unfair view of some products so as to influence the consumers' perception of the products by directly or indirectly influeting or damaging the product's reputation.
Keywords: Mobile Apps, Ranking Fraud Detection, Evidence Aggregation, Historical Ranking Records, Rating and Review
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 27 - 30
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