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Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
A Geographical Study of Rainfall Variability in Nandurbar District
Dr. Vanmala R. Tadvi
Abstract: The present research paper attempts to analyse rainfall pattern and classification in Nandurbar district. Major rainfall in Nandurbar district receives from south-west monsoon which advents in the month of June and keeps up to the month of September. The region falls under assured rainfall zone. Approximately 70 % area in the district receives 704.7 mm to 1280 mm rain. The average rainfall in the district is 801 mm per annum. Akkalkuwa and Navapur tehsils are situated on the windward valley between the Satpura and Sahyadri ranges. They receive highest rainfall in the district while Shahada receives lesser average of rainfall which is 644.93. The rainfall in the eastern part of the district is minimum and increases in the westwards.
Keywords: Variability, intensity, decade, coefficient of variation, Standard deviation
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 416 - 418
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