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Research Paper | Zoology | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Abnormalities in Semen Parameters of Men Due to Consumption of Alcohol
Kadiri Pullanna | Dereddy Nagalinga Reddy | Gundala Harold Philip [2]
Abstract: To investigate the effects of alcohol consumption on semen parameters, semen samples were collected from eighty (80) alcohol consumption men. This sample was from a cross section of population of Anantapuramu district, Andhra Pradesh, India. They were divided into two age groups namely 25-35 years and 35-45 years. In both age groups persons were selected basing as how many units of alcohol they consumed in a day. Different semen parameters like volume, liquefaction, alkalinity, sperm count, motility and morphology were analysed. Incidences of Hypospermia in 43, Teratozoospermia in 21, Oligozoospermia in 59, Oligoasthenozoospermia in 22 and Oligoasthenoteratozoopermia in 6 persons were observed. Abnormalities were seen in both age groups and was more pronounced in persons who consumed alcohol either moderately or heavily.
Keywords: Alcohol Consumption, Men, Reproductive health, Semen analysis
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 216 - 220
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